Countdown to Alaska... 24 days to go
With less than a month until we leave for Alaska, I've tried to kick my crafting into high gear, but with a toddler who wants to nurse like all.the.time, knitting is proving to be slow going. I finally finished Eamon's balaclava and mittens, and am pretty pleased with how they turned out.
Now, it's time to move on to all these poor socks that need darning before I go. If you look closely, you'll see a giant hole in the pair on the right; apparently the chupacabra got a hold of them. I don't think there's anything more tedious than repairing socks, but it must be done, unfortunately.
As a reward for getting my socks darned, I'll be casting on a brand new pair of socks. I thought this yarn wanted to be a sweater, but now it is whispering, 'over the knee socks' in my ear.
Love them socks! we want some! you sell them at all?