So many words...
The rate at which Eamon is growing and learning makes my head spin. He is a problem-solver, a mischief-maker, an entertainer, whiz kid, snuggle bug, and all around great guy. The other day I sat down to make a list of Eamon's funny words, inspired by my sister's blog about words. As my list grew, I was shocked by how much Eamon can say, when only a few weeks ago his vocabulary was around five to ten words. I made my list in Eamon's journal - a book where I've been writing letters to him since we first discovered he was on his way. I've decided to share it here, since his little words are so charming and sweet.
First we'll talk about words he says the "mostly regular" way. Most people can understand these, including strangers. (I think it's a neat evolutionary trick that toddlers are well understood by their primary caregivers, even when the words are complete nonsense to others). Most of these he still uses with a sign, but not all.
down cracker mama
eat marker dada
off baby back
apple slide bottle
ball cat
dog bug
Next come the adorable Eamon-ese words that he uses with a sign
uppA = up bapper = diaper
mo = more outdoo = go outside
nun = nurse reen = rain
boohkA = book hep = help
payha = play mehk = music
alda = all done brabee = rabbit
flafa = flower tenk = thank you
And other Eamon-ese that doesn't have a sign
wa-how = wow
uman = Eamon (He sticks his finger in his chest and says, Uman! It's pretty much the best thing ever)
prepa = pretzel (with an Eamon-made sign)
oh-doo = open the door
weeng = swing
momay = money
tar = guitar
vwat (or something like it) = lap
And just for fun, here's a fairly comprehensive list of his signs. He knows so many that it's hard to keep track, especially since he learns a new sign every few days, and often makes up his own signs.
up, down, nurse, all done, bath, egg, cheese, cracker, "o"s (cereal), more, again, book, play, eat, water, phone, sleep, help, shoes, diaper, dog, cat, horse, milk, moose, seal, popcorn, ice cream, pap-pap, out, hear, owl, bird, flower, toothbrush, apple, ice, sticker, ball, balloon, camera, sheep, rabbit, where, snow, please, thank you, rain, cozy, music, pretty, fish, baby, I love you
That's more than 50 signs, and I'm certain I've forgotten a few. Some of his signs are particularly funny - he uses the "grandma" and "grandpa" signs, but says "pap-pap" for both. His "I love you" sign is just a finger right in front of his mouth. He is saying a word with most of his signs now, and I hope to do a new video soon.
And in other Eamon-related news, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a dime. In a diaper. I'm sure you can figure out what that means. Told you he was mischief.
And in other Eamon-related news, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of a dime. In a diaper. I'm sure you can figure out what that means. Told you he was mischief.
I save my change in a big jar now that my boys are past the oral fixation's somewhat nicer than the diaper suprise days....