Hello 2014
2013 was, in turns, the best and worst year of my life. It will always be a year that I remember with mixed feelings. I experienced trials and trauma unlike anything before in my life, but I learned how to love in a whole new way. I saw the truly awesome nature of forgiveness, and found change and growth at nearly every turn.
When the ball dropped at midnight last night, I leaned over to DP and, through our first kiss of 2014, I whispered, "Goodbye, shitty 2013." He smiled and assured me, "2014 is going to be amazing, I'm sure of it."
Let's hope the New Year brings with it great things. I could use a break from heart ache and sadness. DP and I have worked really hard in the past seven months to bring our relationship and our life into a new chapter, a healthy, loving place. We are crafting plans for our family and our life together, and we have our eyes on the future.
When the ball dropped at midnight last night, I leaned over to DP and, through our first kiss of 2014, I whispered, "Goodbye, shitty 2013." He smiled and assured me, "2014 is going to be amazing, I'm sure of it."
Let's hope the New Year brings with it great things. I could use a break from heart ache and sadness. DP and I have worked really hard in the past seven months to bring our relationship and our life into a new chapter, a healthy, loving place. We are crafting plans for our family and our life together, and we have our eyes on the future.

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