One Love
POSSLQ and I are very lucky to have a huge circle of close friends we think of as family. We love them like brothers, sisters, parents, and more. Many of them we've known longer than we've known each other, and some we've known for the better part of our lives. We've got this huge network of love and support that spans an incredible age range, some of the youngest just learning to walk, others undoubtedly old enough to be our parents. People from every walk of life, but all like-minded, caring, loving, with passions for peace and love, music, dancing, and creativity.
When we shared the news that we were bringing another spirit into the circle of love, we were overwhelmed by the joy. Our friends were often more excited than our family, and being able to share this experience has been such a blessing. Our friends have gotten to watch this little person grow just as we have, and we can hardly wait for our little love project to meet all these aunties, uncles, honorary grandparents; this big extended family so full of love.
I feel so blessed to be able to carry this little one to so many of our favorite annual events. This child has an incredible appreciation for live music, and is learning how to dance already. So many of our favorite people have gotten to see and feel this little one groove on the energy we try to manifest, and each time we have a "family get-together," I'm reminded of how much love this child will know, and is knowing already. Belly rubs make me smile in the knowledge that our baby will soon be enveloped in the loving arms of our friends, and the little chats our friends have with my growing belly are making these voices familiar to the little one. I just can't wait to share this incredible little spirit with everyone, knowing that each person our child comes to know and love is one more person who will teach him or her how to love, how to be peaceful, how to live for your beliefs, how to be a true friend and a true human.
St. Patrick's Day 2010 - there's a baby in there, but we didn't know it yet!
DID June 2010 - the first time I felt that little spirit wiggle around, the Celthix (& friends) were playing "Copperhead Road."
Floydfest July 2010 - No denying there's a baby growing, and a taste for excellent music being formed.
Front Porch Fest Sept 2010 - Baby made it known that music is meant to be danced to, and once again we got to feel the love that surrounds this beautiful group of people.
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