What's Been Spinning?
Having more than a foot of snow on the ground over the past week has inspired me to spin some warm and cozy yarns, and provided me with enough free time to spin spin spin away. I've been a busy little person on all my snow days, and it looks promising that I'm snowed in again this weekend! I woke up this morning to this view out the kitchen window.

Of course, the only way I knew it was new snow was because it had covered the path I shoveled last weekend. So here I sit, again today, with the prospect of being snowed in all weekend staring me in the face. I looked out the front door, and saw this beautiful wintery scene.

Last weekend, my snow days afforded me the opportunity to spin a lot of fiber, sew a little, and bake cookies! Yum yum. The recipe I use was aptly renamed by my BIL "Crack Cookies," because they are like crack, apparently.

I also finished sewing up a baby sling for Sister Dear! It's not exactly a surprise, but I thought a shot of just the fabrics was best for now. Reversible and trendy, not too boyish, and perfectly suited to Sister Dear's style! And in a few short months, Sister Dear will have a wee little one to cuddle in this sling... Check out their progress here.

Last weekend, I finished spinning up some BFL I've been saving for Tillie. The purples turned out beautiful, and I can't wait to find a project to knit with it!

Today, I'll be finishing up a beautiful merino yarn for LoveBabyMama, my first try at a true three ply yarn. I love the way it looks, squooshy and soft, but also a little rugged.

Once that's done, I'm going to get started on some Shetland I got at Greenberry House this autumn. It's a beautiful cocoa color, what sheep people call "Moorit," which comes from the Icelandic for "red as the moors." I'm trying a new spinning technique that makes a softer, loftier yarn, and I want to practice on something easy to spin, which Shetland definitely is!

It will be another spinning weekend, for sure. The yards Tillie's traveled already... And next weekend, I'm off to a sheep shearing (assuming the weather cooperates). Replenishing my fiber supply with a fleece or two from Rising Meadow Farm, plus I expect my lovely "Patty" fleece I purchased last year to be back from the processor soon... It truly will be slow fiber - grown outside Greensboro, NC, washed and prepped here in Stuart, carded in Ruckersville, VA.
Beautiful beautiful yarns! :)